The first session was offered by Dr. Mònica Ubalde López, Prof. Francesca Larese Filon and Dr. Alberto Modenese
19 March 2021
The first session of the OMEGA-NET webinar series of 2021 focused on:
- Hidden treasures in European birth cohorts: parents working life, health and well-being course — Employment in the Young including Young Employment Mothers (Task 3.3). Speaker: Dr. Mònica Ubalde López.
- Incidence of occupational contact dermatitis and research needs — Occupational Skin Diseases (Task 3.4). Speaker: Prof. Francesca Larese Filon.
- Prevention of solar radiation risk and occupational skin cancers in outdoor workers — Occupational Skin Diseases (Task 3.4). Speaker: Dr. Alberto Modenese.