Ute Bültmann will present the abstract entitled “Title Employment and health of working parents: a joint effort to uncover hidden treasures in birth cohorts”
17 June 2019
The OMEGA-NET COST Action will be presented at the 12 th European Public Health Conference that will take place in Marseille, France, on November 20-23. Therefore, Ute Bültmann will talk about “Employment and health of working parents: a joint effort to uncover hidden treasures in birth cohorts”.
The EPH Conference is organised by the European Public Health Conference Foundation, the European Public Health Association (EUPHA) and the Société Française de Santé Publique (SFSP). For the upcoming edition, entitled “Building bridges for solidarity and public health”, its International Scientific
Committee has reviewed 2,025 submitted abstracts in this edition, as they announced on Twitter.
The annual EPH conferences are considered the premier European gatherings of public health professionals worldwide, as delegates include researchers, policymakers, practitioners and educators in public health and many other related fields. It offers excellent opportunities to learn from the latest research and practice, to network with experts and colleagues and to expand professional horizons.
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