The main posts and the road map have been arranged during the first Management Committee Meeting
9 November 2018
The OMEGA-NET project has definitely taken off after celebrating its first Management Committee Meeting, on 26 October, in Brussels. 25 parties have officially joined the COST Action CAS16216: “Network on the Coordination and Harmonisation of European Occupational Cohorts (OMEGA-NET)”.
Ingrid Sivesind Mehlum has been elected as the Action Chair, Michelle Turner as the Vice Chair, Raquel Lucas as the STSM Coordinator, and the Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal) as the Grant Holder Institution.
OMEGA-NET will create a network to optimise the use of occupational, industrial, and population cohorts in Europe
Participants at the event have also discussed the objectives, the deliverables, and other management roles and structures, such as the four working groups: Inventory of cohorts (led by Manolis Kogevinas), Harmonisation of occupational exposure and health outcome information (led by Roel Vermeulen); Development of standardised protocols for future occupational exposure and health outcome information (led by Maria Albin); and Communication, dissemination, and training (led by Alex Burdof).
Throughout four years, OMEGA-NET will create a network to optimise the use of occupational, industrial, and population cohorts in Europe. This involves coordinating and integrating cohorts on occupational health in Europe; implementing an online interactive tool with detailed information on existing cohorts; facilitating work on harmonisation of occupational exposure and standardisation of health outcome information and new protocols for data collection; and promoting stakeholder engagement form the start of the project.