Training Course on Occupational Epidemiology: Modern Methods and Harmonised Approaches

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A training school coordinated by COST Action CA16216 “Network on the Coordination and Harmonisation of European Occupational Cohorts”

28 May 2021


This introductory course on Occupational Epidemiology: Modern Methods and Harmonised Approaches seeks to provide training and networking opportunities for students and early career researchers in occupational epidemiology and exposure assessment.

It will be given in an online format Tuesday and Thursday afternoons from 21 September to 7 October and will cover topics on a range of topics including study design in occupational epidemiology, exposure assessment, types of bias including confounding, and current debates on causality. The course will highlight modern methods and recent methodological approaches in occupational epidemiology, with a particular focus on international efforts in coordination and harmonisation in the field.

The format of the course will be based on a series of faculty lectures, student presentations, and student exercises, in addition to keynote lectures highlighting recent achievements.

Basic knowledge of epidemiology, occupational health, or a related discipline is required. Students will receive a Certificate of Participation to the course if they attend all sessions and complete the assignments. Participants will be notified in mid-August regarding their acceptance into the course.

The registration is now closed as the deadline was the end of July.

>> Download the Course Programme


Course videos

Day 1 (Part 1). Epidemiology and occupational health


Day 1 (Part 2). Overview of study designs


Day 1 (Part 3). Overview of types of bias


Day 2 (Part 1). Occupational case-studies & case-series


Day 2 (Part 2). Occupational case-control studies


Day 2 (Part 3). Occupational record linkage studies


Day 3 (Part 1). Occupational Cohort Studies


Day 3 (Part 2). IARC hazard identification approach


Day 3 (Part 3). Research on Occupational Burnout


Day 4 (Part 1). Bias and confounding


Day 4 (Part 2). New study designs


Day 4 (Part 3). Occupational UV


Day 5 (Part 1). Occupational exposure assessment


Day 5 (Part 2). Exposure assessment future perspectives


Day 5 (Part 3). JEM for COVID-19


Day 6 (Part 1). International collaboration in occupattional health


Day 6 (Part 2). Exposome in occupational research


Day 6 (Part 3). Current debates on causality



Student presentations

Two student presentations of 5 minutes each (plus 10 minutes for discussion) will be organized throughout the course to present and discuss any methodological issue in the student’s ongoing work in occupational epidemiology.

Interested students can send a title and brief description (a few sentences) of the proposed presentation to the course coordinators (Neil Pearce:, and Michelle Turner: by September 10, 2021.


[ Updated on 6 October 2021 ]