posted in: Events, Webinar Series | 0

DATE: 13 April 2021
VENUE: Online
SPEAKERS: Dr Damien McElvenny, Dr Susan Peters & Dr Kurt Straif



OMEGA-NET COVID-19 questionnaire resource


Prof Damien McElvenny, Science Communication Manager of the OMEGA-NET ProjectDr Damien McElvenny is a biostatistician and epidemiologist. He is Principal Epidemiologist at the Institute of Occupational Medicine and he also has a position at the Centre for Occupational and Environmental Health at the University of Manchester.

He is currently working on projects relating to neurological disease in former elite rugby players and former professional football players; the carcinogenicity of styrene, man-made mineral fibres and respiratory disease, respiratory health surveillance, older workers, and exposure-control intelligence system.

He is currently the Science Communication Officer for OMEGA-NET and the secretary of the EPICOH management committee.


Development of a COVID-19-JEM for Denmark, the Netherlands and the UK


Susan PetersDr Susan Peters works as epidemiologist and exposure scientist at the Institute for Risk Assessment Sciences (Utrecht University), where she is leading the Occupational Health group. Susan’s expertise is in environmental epidemiology and exposure assessment. Her research is focused on environmental and occupational risk factors for chronic diseases, including cancer and neurodegenerative disorders. She has extensive experience in developing and applying job-exposure matrices (JEMs).


COVID-19 as a recognized occupational disease. results of a survey among experts across Europe


Dr Kurt Straif was longstanding Head of the Section of Evidence Synthesis and Classification at IARC, WHO, Lyon, France, where he directed the programs of the IARC Monographs, the IARC Handbooks of Cancer Prevention, and the WHO Classification of Tumours. Since his retirement, he is an Associate Researcher at ISGlobal, Barcelona, Spain and a Visiting Professor at Boston College. He studied Medicine, Epidemiology, Public Health, and Philosophy in Europe and the United States.


OMEGA-NET Webinar Series - Session 2