DATE: 21-22 October 2020
The upcoming Working Group and Management Committee Meeting has been moved to a fully ONLINE EVENT due to the situation generated by the COVID-19 pandemic. It will take place on October 21-22.
You can download a draft agenda below. As you will see, it includes two plenary talks: one by Lode Godderis on “Occupational Health Research and COVID-19”, and a second talk by Debbie Glass on “OccIDEAS: Occupational Integrated Database Exposure Assessment System”. We also plan a plenary discussion with all participants on “Priorities for research in occupational cohorts studies in Europe”.
Official eCOST invitations will be sent to confirm meeting participation and more information will also be posted soon on this website. In the meantime, please let us know if you have any questions or if you would like to make a brief (5 min) rapid cohort presentation at our online meeting on Day 1, we are particularly interested in new cohorts or results that relate to COVID-19. Priority will be given to those who have not yet made a cohort presentation at our previous meetings.
We look forward to meeting with you in October!
General Information
Agenda (October 21-22, 2020) - FINAL
Priorities for Research in Occupational Cohort Studies in Europe
HERA Research Priorities Summary